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There is a wide range of medical devices and equipments used these days to make patients’ life better and simpler. While using these equipments and devices, the doctors and health care experts strive hard to treat their patients in a less painful and accurate manner. For some patients urethral obstruction can occur. There can be different reasons behind it. But when this occurs, assessing the urinary output becomes very important. In some cases, the urine also needs to be diverted so that the patient can urinate easily. For these patients, urination can become a real challenge. They can come across different issues while trying to urinate naturally or by their own. So this is the time when the foley catheters are used. These catheters are used to divert urine or to assess the urine output. For some patients assessing the hourly urinary output is also important. Shop Knee Braces and Knee Caps Online · Use the hypoallergenic ...