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Hospitals that are equipped with the ICU facilities must have the best machineries, equipments and tools deployed at such a place. With these advanced equipments, you cannot just call it a complete ICU care unit. At the modern day’s medicals they understand such need in the best possible manner. Due to this reason, they never compromise on adding these advanced equipments which are very necessary at such a facility. If you are also having a medical where the ICU care is there and you have patients to treat properly, then there are certain equipments which you need to get and deploy now. · Accurate measurement of urinary output One such equipment or medical device is the Urometer. It’s a kind of device that is especially used to check, monitor and measure the urine output of the patients who are at the ICU care unit. At most of the medicals, ICU care units are considered to be a critical and vital place at the same time. When a patient...